A Pact for a New Economy
The intention of the ‘Economy of Francis’ is to “enter into a covenant to change today’s economy and to give a soul to the economy of tomorrow.”
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February 2020
The intention of the ‘Economy of Francis’ is to “enter into a covenant to change today’s economy and to give a soul to the economy of tomorrow.”
Although fewer people live in extreme poverty, nearly half of the world’s population (3.4 billion people) still struggle to meet basic needs. The percentage of the world’s population living in poverty is falling, but the rate of reduction is slowing down.
The world-famous economist Jeffery Sachs offers his thoughts on how to change the dominant economic system that creates injustice and inequality. He suggests getting world leaders to put the money that they waste on armaments into fighting poverty.
According to economist and member of the Focolare Movement, Luigino Bruni, the way ahead to change the economy and eradicate poverty is by proposing different, nonprofit oriented companies that include the poor. Check this interview to learn more about the Economy of Communion.
After a heavy rainstorm, we see the beauty of a rainbow. No matter how dim it might seem, there is always the glimmering hope for change we can hold on to and continue to tread upon towards the righteous path.
Located in the rim around the Pacific Ocean dubbed “The Ring of Fire,” the Philippines is one of the most disaster-prone countries on earth. It is hard hit all year round by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, tropical cyclones and landslides.
Father Jacques Mourad is a Syrian-Catholic priest. In 2015, he spent five months as a hostage of jihadist terrorists in Syria. He describes it as a spiritual experience and says it was praying the Rosary that gave him peace and strength.
Drawn to the Blessed Sacrament in her young age, the author experienced God’s immense, personal and unconditional love. This awareness calls for a response in return to love God and neighbor. In practical terms this means to be the first one to love every person.
Fr. John Taneburgo continues his exploration into the Ten Commandments. Basing himself on Pope Francis, he writes that God’s commandments aim at keeping us safe in freedom and preserving us from anyone who may make us slaves again and exploit us.
Spanish priest, Fr. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, forged another original, powerful instrument like the ‘Society of Jesus’ with laypeople, with as much genius as Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
Discerning and living one’s vocation is the greatest challenge of living life to the fullest. You cannot just sit on the couch and wait for life to happen.
The Church in her evangelization activity communicates with the world. How can she be effective if the listening part of the communication is left out? A listening Church is needed—a Church which listens to God, to neighbors and to the signs of the times.
October 2023 Issue
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