Five Years After Laudato Si': What has changed?

September 2020

In This Issue


Covid-19 and Care of the Earth

The current crisis brought about by Covid-19 has highlighted the fragility of our common home. The invitation to listen and answer the cry of the earth and of the poor continues to reverberate more than ever.

WM Special

Five Years After Laudato Si’, What Has Changed?

This year the Church is celebrating the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ groundbreaking encyclical on Care of Our Common Home, Laudato Si’. In this article, lecturer Peter Knox assesses the achievements of the document and the changes it has set in motion.

WM Special

Have We Listened To The Plea To Care For The Earth?

Five years after the publication of Laudato Si’, one easily finds examples across the world of individual Catholics, parishes and institutions responding to the pope’s own repeated appeal for ecological conversion with not only prayer and reflection but also with concrete actions.

WM Special

We Can’t Return To ‘Normal’

The fifth anniversary of Laudato Si’ occurs in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic that has infected millions and killed thousands of citizens. This global event is an invitation to a profound transformation in human history.


The Poor Among Us

Jesus said “You always have the poor with you…” (John 12: 8) This is indeed true. The gap between the rich and the poor has widened especially in this time of the pandemic. Our duty as God-fearing people is to take care of the poor among us.


The Cost Of Our Misbehaviour

The ways humans destroy much of the natural world and engage in factory farming are based on the fallacy that what we do to the natural world will not have a negative impact on human health and wellbeing. Covid-19 tells us that this is untrue.

In Focus

Sower Of God’s Word

Fondly called the “Mother Teresa of Garo Hills” in Northeast India for her dedication to the people of the region, Sister Guadalupe Velasco spent seven decades of her life serving the sick and persons with leperosy.

Living Communion

Unity: Jesus’ Great Prayer And Hope

Our model of unity is the life of the Most Holy Trinity which is mutual love, unity and distinction. Jesus himself prayed that we might be one. This unity is possible when we go out of ourselves to serve others.


You Shall Not Commit Adultery

To be able to love without limit and remain faithful, humans need God’s fidelity in their relationship. Thus the sixth Commandment serves first as an example of God’s faithfulness to his people and second as a call to fidelity particularly in marital life.

Winds of the Spirit

In The Footsteps Of Don Bosco

The Salesian Cooperators are Catholic lay people who are living the Gospel message in the spirit of Don Bosco by helping out in the different activities of a local Salesian school, parish or youth center.

Follow Me

Interpreting, Recognizing, Choosing

On the path of vocational discovery and discernment, it is essential to develop processes of questioning, interpretation, recognition and choice.

Bridge Builders

Overcoming Poverty

Despite the frightening atmosphere of the Covid-19 pandemic, we still believe that God is alive and wants us to experience fullness of life. This is perceptible when people inspired by God take the responsibility to lift others out of poverty.

Strategies for Evangelization

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