The Spirit of EDSA Today
As 36 years ago, people standing along EDSA garnered bravery and audacity to trigger a change in the course of events, this time around voters are called upon to elect competent servant-leaders.
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February 2022
As 36 years ago, people standing along EDSA garnered bravery and audacity to trigger a change in the course of events, this time around voters are called upon to elect competent servant-leaders.
As Filipinos mark the 50th anniversary of the declaration of Martial Law, there’s been an attempt to paint Ferdinand Marcos’ dictatorship as a golden age for the Philippines. However, numbers show a contraction of the gross domestic product and economic recession in the latter years.
The worsening economic and political situation, the Church’s resistance to dictatorship, the growing capacity of the underground and mass movements and the assassination of opposition Senator Benigno Aquino undermined the regime culminating in the ouster of Marcos in 1986.
In this New Year, let us commit to building the kingdom of God–one human family with God as our loving Father, each person as our beloved brother or sister, and the earth, our common home, cherished as a mother.
The invitation to experience synodality begins in our very own homes. Home and families are the preferential loci for exercising the art of mutual listening which is a requisite for the synodal process the Church is involved in at the moment.
Christians in Egypt are a diverse minority. It is not always possible to live like brothers, as differences easily lead to friction. However, the realities of encounter and fraternity are real and possible. The Anafora Monastery is a place that testifies to this.
Count yourself blessed when you are able to care for the sick and the elderly. To be there for them in their time of most need is the best way you can reciprocate their love for you through the years.
Criticism of Facebook increased in 2021. Frances Haugen, a former product manager at the company, revealed that Facebook has put “astronomical profits before people,” and people have been abused and tortured. Will Facebook take into consideration these issues?
In writing the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis was inspired by St. Francis of Assisi, the Grand Imam Al-Tayyed, and many letters and documents from people all over the world. Through this encyclical the Holy Father has shown his openness to all.
The book of the Spiritual Exercises is a manual for Directors who guide people in the exciting discovery of their true selves in the light of God’s will as it emerges in prayer during a desert period in which they choose to be alone with God.
Vocation has two-fold fundamental dimensions: on one hand, every vocation implies a personal conversion; on the other hand, a vocation is always linked to a mission (a vocation is never selfish, rather, it is always an act of love).
Fr. Fulvio had been working for more than thirty years in Uganda, in the northern part of the country.
October 2023 Issue
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