Pope Francis’ Peace Plan for Ukraine
So far, Pope Francis’ plea is the most authoritative voice speaking in favor of peace, establishing a minimal basis for the beginning of a possible negotiation.
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November 2022
So far, Pope Francis’ plea is the most authoritative voice speaking in favor of peace, establishing a minimal basis for the beginning of a possible negotiation.
COVID-19 has virtually brought the entire human race to a halt. Worldwide, regulations encouraging self-isolation and lockdowns have been implemented to counter this trend. And in the midst of it all, one unlikely player revealed that human perseverance prevails: online games.
The psychological need to be in groups, be it virtual or real, plays a strong motivating factor for young people to engage in online gaming. Nonetheless, virtual interaction with others oftentimes becomes more important than real-life relationships which can lead to gaming disorders.
Millions of children of all ages follow streamers on platforms like Twitch, where talented gamers show off their skills and engage with viewers through chat. While some might question the value of gaming communities, one streamer identified their enormous potential for evangelization.
The world has reached a “dangerous moment” with President Putin threating the use of nuclear weapons in the battle against Ukraine. The ongoing loss of life and the suffering of countless innocent civilians illustrate the pressing need for negotiations to stop the war.
In the month of November, we honor the saints. Let us remember that we are all called to holiness. All of us can become saints if we let God’s goodness and love shine through us.
The Italian Comboni Missionary, Fr. Giuseppe Ambrosoli, will be beatified in Kalongo, Uganda, on 22 November 2020. For more than 30 years, he dedicated his life to helping the people, expanding a dispensary into a fully-fledged hospital, and opening a midwifery school.
Though it is an exaggeration to say that football is a religion, there are overlaps between the two worlds that are both fascinating and worrying.
Even though the words politics and politician sound detestable to many people, we need sound politics to manage our societies. Pope Francis speaks of “political love” which is a kind of love that transcends any individualistic mindset and promotes the common good of people.
At the end of his Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius invites us to ask God for the grace of love and contemplation. It is a call to grow in contemplating God Who is present in all things. It is contemplation in action.
To look responsibly at life and to enter into the dynamism of love as the essence of every vocation is to give assent to the demands of love.
Fr. Tarcisio Pazzaglia has always believed in the usefulness of mass media in catechesis. Over time, he brought himself up-to-date and, with his video camera, filmed cleverly and tastefully recreated scenes that mediated messages of belief and morality.
October 2023 Issue
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