Women Can Vote in the Synod
Pope Francis’ move will compel dioceses and parishes to widen the participation of lay people, particularly women. The universal Church msut welcome the active participation of women.
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July 2023
Pope Francis’ move will compel dioceses and parishes to widen the participation of lay people, particularly women. The universal Church msut welcome the active participation of women.
Public trust must not be abused by AI-managing companies whose style of operation remain inaccessible to the users. Transparency is the first rule that must be made effective. Excessive intrusion into personal lives and instrumentalizing and monetizing personal behaviour must be prevented.
Behavioral scientist Gerd Gigerenzer looks at how AI and algorithms are shaping our future–and why it is important to remember they aren’t human. He thinks too many of us are now letting AI make the decisions for us. The alternative is start thinking, he says.
A leading artificial intelligence researcher, some call the “godfather” of AI, says the technology is developing at a “scary” rate and warns that it should not expand beyond our ability to control it. Geoffrey Hinton, a longtime researcher at Google and newly-retired at age 75, has added his voice to those saying that the potential dangers of the new technology deserve scrutiny.
As Facebook, Apple, and Google pour billions into AI development, there is a fledgling branch of academic ethical study that aims to study its moral consequences, contain the harm it might do, and push tech firms to integrate social goods like privacy and fairness into their business plans.
The speech ‘A Strategy of Peace’, given by former U.S. President John F. Kennedy in 1963, defied the wicked notion that war is inevitable and that peacemaking is impractical. Peace is not a simple dream but rather a possibility, he said.
The source of true peace and joy is humbly accepting God’s constant and immeasurable mercy and extending His love to others. By loving everyone, we glorify God and find peace in our lives.
As tensions between the Israelis and the Palestinians rise, Christians are caught in the crossfires and face the targeted destruction of their own spaces and communities in the Holy Land by religious extremists.
In the face of increasing attacks targeting Christian communities in the Holy Land, and amid ongoing political tensions, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem says the Church will not allow a few extremists to dictate its agenda and will continue to promote peace and reconciliation.
Pope Francis has given an extraordinary gift to the Church: Amoris Laetitia, The Joy of Love. This document focuses on family and love. Francis draws heavily on the 2014 and 2015 worldwide Bishops’ Synods on the Family. He enriches the discussion with his own pastoral insights.
The first generation of leaders in democratic nations laid down healthy democratic traditions for the benefit of all. But today, democratic leadership is in the hands of self-interested power-seekers, leaving many citizens disappointed. To ensure a better future for everyone, we need good governance.
“Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing.” The first of the ‘Seven Last Words of Jesus’ reminds us that forgiveness leads to spiritual transformation and love.
The time period covered by the accounts of the Bible is only about two thousand years and the place where all this happened is the tiny nation of Palestine, and yet, nothing is more important for the whole world.
In every edition of World Youth Day (WYD), there are symbols announcing the arrival of something extraordinary. These are the symbols of WYD-the pilgrim cross and the Marian icon called Salus Popoli Romani. In this article, we are going to reflect on the symbol of the cross.
Father Eduardo Revolledo Villanueva is a young Comboni Missionary from Lima, Peru. He is in Taiwan and shares his vocation story and his missionary service in the Asian continent.
The parish of Yanahuanca in the mountains of central Peru had several communities. The missionary had to go to one of them to celebrate the feast of its patron saint. He took with him a Monfortian Sister and a young girl.