Creation and Humanity

September 2023

In This Issue

WM Special

How Can We Turn to the Healing Power of Nature?

Indigenous cultures have long maintained a holistic relationship with nature as part of well-being and wholeness. Now, emerging practices such as the Japanese meditative exercise of Shinrin-yoku, or “forest bathing,” are renewing this relationship with nature to support mental and physical health.

WM Special

Saving the Planet with Seaweed?

“As photosynthesizing creatures, seaweeds provide us with the oxygen we breathe.” Thanks to their enormous capacity to absorb terrestrial carbon emissions, they could help us fight global warming. But there are risks to be taken into account.

WM Special

Less and Less Water

The frequent periods of drought are not a good omen. To heal our relationship with water, which makes up 70% of the entire planet, would mean taking a big step towards safeguarding humanity.

WM Special

How to Feed Everyone

The way to feed eight billion people is as clear as it is revolutionary: stop chasing productivity and start advocating food production. Food must be a right, not a good to be traded on the stock exchange, not a commodity thanks to which you can enrich yourself at the expense of someone else.

Journey Moments

A Woman of Virtues

Mary is the one who followed Jesus first, loved Him most, and who served Him best. If we want to follow Jesus more closely, love Him more dearly, and serve Him more truly, we have to imitate Mama Mary by trying to live her virtues.


Catholic Church’s Best Kept Secret

The best-kept secret is that the Catholic Church is blessed with over 130 years of outstanding social justice and peace documents. Sadly, they attract more dust than readers. Catholic social teaching could become an effective tool for building a just and peaceful world.


A Hospital for the Economically Challenged

After doing medical and dental missions in poor communities across the country, a foundation run by religious and laypeople opened a hospital that offers discounted medical and dental services to economically challenged patients in Parañaque in 2002. Today, the hospital aspires to become a place for less fortunate patients who need surgery.


Arouse a Sense of Shared Responsibility

It is estimated that there are 175 million migrants at the global level. Among them, 26 million are young. Many of these young people remain unemployed, while those employed are exploited. There should be ways of offering them social, psychological, and spiritual assistance.

In Focus

Pope Francis’ Youth Document

Pope Francis marked the feast of the Annunciation in 2019 by releasing his apostolic exhortation Christus Vivit (Christ Lives). It is the fruit of listening and discerning during the October 2018 Synod of Bishops, focused on the theme: “Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment.”

Inside The Holy Book

The Heart of the Law

The Law is the content of the covenant between God and the Jewish People: the Torah. It is the object of meditation, prayer, love, and contemplation. In the New Testament, Jesus is the New Law.

Follow Me

A Heartfelt Hymn of Fraternity

The official hymn of the World Youth Day is entitled “There’s a Rush in the Air!” It invites the youth of the world to identify themselves with Mary as a person who is available for service, mission, and the transformation of the world.

Follow Me

“25 Years That Have Been Worthwhile”

Experiences with the poor and hungry have given me the strength to continue living my missionary life. The good that I have been able to do is due to the collaboration with so many people. I am so thankful to all.

Mission is Fun

Fr. Jorge in the Kruger National Park

Fr. Jorge was very fond of visiting Kruger and sightseeing while filming with his video camera. The mission where he was stationed, Waterval, is situated 30 km away from one of the entrances to the National Park.

Creation and Humanity

September 2023 Issue

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