Feature Articles

Year of Prayer

Towards the 2025 Jubilee Year “As Pilgrims of Hope”

In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year “As Pilgrims of Hope,” the year 2024 has been designated as a Year of Prayer. World Mission has been publishing prayers by saints in line with this initiative (courtesy of Aleteia).

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
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From Tondo to Africa

Having been influenced by missionaries at his local parish, Edgardo decided at 17 to become a missionary. His encounters with the Aetas further deepened his desire for the mission. Now back in South Africa, Father Edgardo is happy to have reunited with people he knew before.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
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Faithful to the End

Jeremiah’s vocation was a gift, but he initially opposed it, considering himself incapable. However, God’s voice seduced him, and after accepting God’s plan, he remained faithful to his vocation.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
A Taste of Tradition

The Champion of the Bible

Saint Jerome spent most of his long life at Bethlehem studying the Holy Scriptures. He authored the Latin translation of the Bible, the Vulgate, and is the patron of Scripture scholars.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Young Heart

When to Save and When to Buy

There is a difference between one’s needs and wants. In a society where consumers have purchasing power, it is important to avoid overspending. Instead, we should focus on the concept of saving.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Our World

Moral Giants to Address Global Crises

In a world marred by wars, violence, and deep-rooted divisions, Pope Francis and other thought leaders urge a shift towards moral leadership and selflessness to heal our fractured societies and promote the common good.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
In Focus

A Call for Conversion

Returning to school as a priest and studying with young people made me realize I have much to learn. Interacting with classmates has prompted deep reflection on the misconduct within the Church, which must serve as a call for conversion.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.

Yellow Boat of Hope

A foundation in the Philippines builds and donates yellow boats to students who must cross water to go to school. For over a decade, they have built and donated thousands of boats. In addition to boats, they also build classrooms, bridges, and educational hubs–all in yellow.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Journey Moments

Prayer, Compassion and Mission

As disciples of Christ, we are invited to grow in our likeness to Him through our thoughts, words, and actions. We should prioritize prayer, cultivate a compassionate heart, and pursue a mission in life.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.

The crisis of democracy–a wounded heart

Reflecting on the status of democracy, Pope Francis said that “democracy is not in good health in today’s world.” The Holy Father’s observations reflect the fact that fascism, populism, militarism, and indifference to human rights are gaining hold in many countries.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Year of Prayer

Towards the 2025 Jubilee Year “As Pilgrims of Hope”

In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year ‘Pilgrims of Hope,’ 2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer. In this issue, World Mission (courtesy of Aleteia) is publishing a prayer by St. John of Avila, Doctor of the Church (+1569). He was the spiritual director to a number of saints including St. Teresa of Avila, St. Francis Borgia, St. John of the Cross, St. Peter of Alcantara.

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Learning to Be Open and Patient

Brother Mario Castro grew up in a family that valued education and hard work. As time passed by, he felt a sense of emptiness until he attended a recollection that led him to his true calling. After years of mission work in Uganda, he is now serving in the Philippines.

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Persevering In Love

Ruth is a Moabite woman, who, after the death of her husband, decided to take care of her mother-in-law and, to do so, abandoned her land and immigrated to Israel. A faithful woman of great faith, she will be a fruitful mother in Israel and will play a fundamental role in salvation history.

A Taste of Tradition

The True Honor to the Body of Christ

Emperor Constantine gave freedom to Christianity. Saint John Chrysostom, the bishop of Constantinople, writes forcefully on behalf of the poor, the true jewels of the Church.

Young Heart

Knowing When to Ask for Help

There are parents who tell their children they should always solve their own problems. There are also parents who teach their children how and when to ask for help. The youth of today might find themselves lost at times and they need help to get themselves back on track.

Our World

The Spirituality of Simplicity

Being ordinary is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple. This norm can be applied to spirituality as well. When we climb a hill to see a sick person or cross a tumultuous river to bring relief after a natural disaster, we are living by the spirituality of being ordinary.


Homes for the Neglected

Fr. Dari Dioquino has spent more than 20 years giving shelter to neglected seniors and elderlies. He initially sheltered them in rented houses and built them their own homes through the generosity of groups, families, and individuals. He has been part of two homes for the aged so far.

Journey Moments

Just Have Faith!

Pains, problems, struggles, and life’s challenges are real. But we also have to know and accept that there are aids to help us navigate life, and one of these is faith.


So Many People Are Hungry

The world is facing an unprecedented global hunger crisis, with over 780 million people experiencing chronic hunger and millions on the brink of starvation. Poverty, climate change, conflict, and inequality are key factors driving this crisis. This calls for urgent action and systemic change.

Bible Quiz

Bible Quiz

Please mark the correct answer with an ‘x’ and email your responses to the editor at wm.editor@gmail.com. The winner will be selected from those who have submitted all correct answers, and will receive a six-month subscription to World Mission magazine. 

Congratulations to Delia Trasmonte for winning our April/May issue Bible Quiz! 

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It Is Worth Saying “Yes”

Celebrating ten years of priesthood, Fr. Rafael recalls wanting to be a priest since he was a child. After graduating in mechanical engineering, he joined the Comboni missionaries. Currently serving in Macau, he has witnessed the admirable audacity of people who have converted to the faith.

Follow Me

Listening to God’s Voice

A vocation is always an initiative of God, who calls us by name. But as Samuel did, we must listen, take His word to heart, and transform what we have heard into a life commitment, a mission.

A Taste of Tradition

The Primacy of the See of Rome

Saint Cyprian of Carthage is the champion of the unity of the Church. He wrote about it and for it gave the witness of his blood, dying as a martyr.

Young Heart

The Digital Natives Generation

Many young people nowadays, especially since the pandemic, have turned to online selling. There is instant gratification and a mindset of “Mine!” So, how does today’s generation cope with the demands of schooling while also earning a living?

Our World

Self-Regulation of Artificial Intelligence

The benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are undeniable. However, there is a concern that these tools can be used for disinformation, domination, and exploitation. Therefore, there is a need for self-regulation that includes norms to protect and benefit humanity.


Group Treats Body Pains with Magnesium

A group of magnesium therapy advocates conducted pain-healing missions in different parts of the Philippines to share the magnesium mineral’s ability to relieve and treat body pains. The mission benefited hundreds of people, mostly seniors and financially challenged individuals.

Journey Moments


Being pruned can be painful and aching, but it is necessary to produce abundant good deeds in life. When we are being pruned, let us not forget to pray, do good, and have joyful hope through it all.

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