Category: Fratelli Tutti

Fratelli Tutti

Foundations of a Fraternal Society

Dialogue, mass media, consensus, new culture, and peace are foundations upon which a fraternal society must be built on. The lack of any of these fundamentals undermines the possibility of a truly tolerant and brotherly humanity.

Fratelli Tutti

For a Better Kind of Politics

Even though the words politics and politician sound detestable to many people, we need sound politics to manage our societies. Pope Francis speaks of “political love” which is a kind of love that transcends any individualistic mindset and promotes the common good of people.

Fratelli Tutti

Welcoming and Gratuitousness

The response to the arrival of migrants is summarized in four words: welcome, protect, promote, and integrate. This approach creates a dynamism of love uniting all people through authentic relationships.

Fratelli Tutti

Bringing About an Open World

In the third chapter of Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis invites all Christians and all people of goodwill to open their minds and hearts to God and, as a consequence, to love all brothers and sisters throughout the world.

Fratelli Tutti

Love Heals Wounds

From the parable of the Good Samaritan, it is clear that love heals our wounds and regenerates life more than all the techniques at our disposal or all the medicines we may take. Love is what cures and restores our well-being.

Fratelli Tutti

Evangelical Principle of Generosity and Sharing

Jesus brought a revolution aimed at changing the hearts of people. This revolution is based on the evangelical principle of generosity and sharing which Pope Francis developed in the second chapter of his encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti.

Fratelli Tutti

A Better World for All

Universal fraternity and social friendship is delayed because of the throwaway culture, the inequality in the practice of human rights, and the globalization and progress without a shared roadmap. It is only by promoting communion, cooperation, equality, and social inclusion that we would have a better world for all.

Fratelli Tutti

Evangelical Discernment for a Better World

Pope Francis notes that the practice of Evangelical Discernment helps us in building a better world. This practice consists in the scrutiny of the signs of the times, the interpretation of these in the light of the Gospel, and the answer to the questions that arise.

Fratelli Tutti

Let Us Dream Together!

In the first chapter of the Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis speaks of shattered dreams which are spreading everywhere in the world. To these shattered dreams, the Pope expressed indignation and suggested universal fraternity and social friendship as ways to build a better and just world.

Fratelli Tutti

Sowing Seeds of Peace

In writing the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis was inspired by St. Francis of Assisi, the Grand Imam Al-Tayyed, and many letters and documents from people all over the world. Through this encyclical the Holy Father has shown his openness to all.

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