Category: Frontline


Doctor Honored For War Victims Work

A Vietnamese physician who saw the horrors of Agent Orange (a chemical herbicide and defoliant that was used by the US military during the Vietnam War) and embarked on a crusade to seek justice was honored at the Magsaysay Awards for her decades of work for the victims.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.

Safe Haven for Patients in Need

The ICM sisters in the Philippines had established a dormitory in Quezon City for economically challenged patients seeking healthcare in Manila. Since it opened its doors about 40 years ago, hundreds of patients with financial difficulties from across the country have been accommodated.


Inspiring Hope through Art

Brother Christopher Villanueva, a member of the Order of Friars Minor (OFM), harnesses his creativity in painting to restore and strengthen hope among victims of conflict and natural disasters. He wishes his painting can also encourage the people to grow more in faith.


The Legalization of Divorce Will Bring More Problems

The House of Representatives bill seeking the legalization of absolute divorce in the country passed the third and final reading in May 2024. The approved bill was transmitted to the Senate in June for review and concurrence. Today, the Philippines is the only United Nations (UN) member state with no divorce law. The Vatican, which is not a member of the UN, does not have a divorce law. As the debate on the divorce bill continues, Sr. Gina Rama reechoes the stand of her congregation on the issue.


Nurturing the Faith in Remote Communities

A priest who taught in a seminary in Quezon City for eight years accepts the challenge of growing remote Catholic villages in faith in the Philippines. He has been riding a boat and walking for hours to reach villages inaccessible by land transportation.


Yellow Boat of Hope

A foundation in the Philippines builds and donates yellow boats to students who must cross water to go to school. For over a decade, they have built and donated thousands of boats. In addition to boats, they also build classrooms, bridges, and educational hubs–all in yellow.


Homes for the Neglected

Fr. Dari Dioquino has spent more than 20 years giving shelter to neglected seniors and elderlies. He initially sheltered them in rented houses and built them their own homes through the generosity of groups, families, and individuals. He has been part of two homes for the aged so far.


Group Treats Body Pains with Magnesium

A group of magnesium therapy advocates conducted pain-healing missions in different parts of the Philippines to share the magnesium mineral’s ability to relieve and treat body pains. The mission benefited hundreds of people, mostly seniors and financially challenged individuals.


Please, Stay

The number of young Filipinos who contemplated ending their life and attempting suicide is on the rise. Now more than ever, parents, schools and other stakeholders must work together to prevent youth suicide.

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