Category: Frontline


Group Treats Body Pains with Magnesium

A group of magnesium therapy advocates conducted pain-healing missions in different parts of the Philippines to share the magnesium mineral’s ability to relieve and treat body pains. The mission benefited hundreds of people, mostly seniors and financially challenged individuals.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.

Please, Stay

The number of young Filipinos who contemplated ending their life and attempting suicide is on the rise. Now more than ever, parents, schools and other stakeholders must work together to prevent youth suicide.


Preserving Nature in a Filipino Hermitage

Four religious people have chosen to live in a hermitage community in southeastern Philippines for silence and solitude and to spark interest among people in preserving nature and making it even more productive.


Spanish Missionaries Laid the Foundation of a Catholic Nation

The systematic evangelization started off in 1565 by the pioneering missionaries that contributed to the Philippines’ identity as a predominantly Christian nation. The Spanish missionaries laid the cornerstone of a noble Catholic nation.


Addressing an Ecological Urgency

Releasing his apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum (LD) on October 4, last year, the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, the Pope enunciates a prophetic call to seriously address the contemporary environmental and ecological crises humanity is experiencing.


In 2023 Persecution of Christians Remains Strong

The acts of persecution in Latin America are surprising, considering this is a Christian part of the world. This is because the Church’s influence threatens regimes that hope to be all-powerful.


I Love Life and Life is Beautiful!

Father Manuel João Pereira Correia, a Comboni missionary, has lived for 13 years with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a nervous system disease that weakens muscles and impacts physical function. In this interview, Fr. João reveals how he tries to live in this condition with missionary spirit, serenity, and the “gift of a smile.”


Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales: The missionary

Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales, Archbishop Emeritus of Manila and fondly called “Lolo Dency,” shepherded the Manila Metropolitan Archdiocese for eight years. He is known as a brave and missionary bishop living only on essentials.


A Hospital for the Economically Challenged

After doing medical and dental missions in poor communities across the country, a foundation run by religious and laypeople opened a hospital that offers discounted medical and dental services to economically challenged patients in Parañaque in 2002. Today, the hospital aspires to become a place for less fortunate patients who need surgery.

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