Category: Insight


Good Governance Ensures a Future

The first generation of leaders in democratic nations laid down healthy democratic traditions for the benefit of all. But today, democratic leadership is in the hands of self-interested power-seekers, leaving many citizens disappointed. To ensure a better future for everyone, we need good governance.


Becoming Digital Missionaries

Throughout history, Christians have been always spreading the Good News as widely as possible through print, radio, and TV. With the increase in internet accessibility, they are now invited to become digital missionaries, bringing the Gospel to a wider audience online.


Urgent Need of Healing Historic Memories

Individuals, communities and nations keep holding on to memories of the injuries they received in the past. There is an urgent need of healing historic memories in order to take hurt feelings and bring into existence a less destructive world.


Open Your Eyes to Human Suffering

Sensitivity to pain is a gift that we need to cultivate, and alertness to others’ needs is an enviable ability that brings blessings to both the benefactor and the beneficiary.


Rise of Corruption in the World

Corruption has dramatically increased in our world today. No one would claim to be totally innocent because corruption is not only about the wrong use of money; it is also about the wrong use of power. We must all join hands to wipe out this evil from our society.


Mounting Inequality Makes Us Rethink

Profit-making ethics controls every dimension of human life. The concepts of duty, reliability, and transparency are described in contract terms. Thus, workers are reduced to slavery unable to own a land, a decent housing, and even afford food. It is time to rethink!


Africa Awaits Pope Francis in 2023

The Pope has always spoken of the need to go to the peripheries, and at the beginning of the year, he will be doing just that by visiting the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan. Pope Francis will be taking a message of peace and reconciliation to both countries.


The Happiness of Finding Freedom

It is wonderful to see the happiness and freedom enjoyed by the many children that have recovered from the trauma of domestic sexual abuse. Freedom from fear and abuse is the result of the therapeutic healing program at the Preda Foundation home for abused children.


A Persecuted Church

Faced with an escalation of repression, the Church continues to use its parishes and pulpits in defense of the oppressed. For this, it is paying a high price with continuous harassment of spiritual leaders and direct attacks against infrastructures.


Safe Routes for Life’s Sake

Unless safe, legal migration routes are created, traffickers will continue to do what they want, and tragedies like the one in Chiapas, Mexico, will happen again, especially in developing and war-torn regions. As the number of migrants is increasing, these routes are becoming more necessary.

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