Category: Insight


The Rise of Priestly Vocations in Southeast Asia

Change has come and the Church in Asia is gradually overcoming the shortage of priests. Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam, and South Korea are witnessing a flourishing in vocations and seminaries with a growing number of ordinations.


In Old Age, They Will Still Bear Fruit

Older people are making invaluable contributions to their community, family, and parish. The Church values the elderly’s apostolate and provides them with pastoral care and support.


Talking Truth to Power that Exploits the Poor

Today, as in the time of Jesus of Nazareth, political power structures dominate peoples so as to further their status and increase their wealth. Only lifestyle changes, political consciousness, and civic activism can give hope for a better world.


Pauline Jaricot, an Example for Today

Foundress of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, Pauline Jaricot, will be beatified in May within the context of several anniversaries related to the missionary world. Her contribution was essential as it endeavored to involve everyone in the mission in distant lands.


Deliver Us From Evil

The last petition of the Lord’s Prayer makes us aware of the presence of Evil in the world. This awareness leads us to ask God to grant us the grace to persevere in doing only His good will.


Do Not Abandon Us To Temptation

In the Lord’s Prayer, we ask Him to grant us the grace not to succumb to temptations. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, prayer, sacrifice, and the support of good people, we are given this grace.


Forgive To Be Forgiven

Having been forgiven by God, we are called to forgive others who have hurt us. If we do not forgive, we close ourselves to God’s outpouring of His mercy upon us. It is as if we do not allow God to forgive us.


Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

In the Lord’s Prayer, we express our dependence on God. We recall also our duty of working for our sustenance as well as for the sustenance of others as we share with them what we have.


Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven

In the Lord’s Prayer, we ask that the Will of the Father may be done on earth as it is in Heaven. And the Will of the Father is that we may all be saved.

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