Category: Insight


“Hallowed Be Thy Name”

The Lord’s Prayer invites us to acknowledge the holiness of God. It urges us also as God’s children, to pray and to manifest His holiness in the world through our lives.


Thy Kingdom Come

The ‘Kingdom of God’ is a reality in the making, not yet fulfilled. It is God’s Spirit in action in the world, growing like a seed without being noticed. Christians pray that this Kingdom may expand ever more and reach its fulfilment at the end of time.


Our Father in Heaven

In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught his disciples to address God as Father who is in Heaven. In this prayer, we acknowledge God’s fatherhood which is above everything and yet is present in the heart of those who long for Him.


The Lord’s Prayer

Our Lord Jesus Christ taught his disciples how to pray. And in that prayer, He instructed them to call God ‘Our Father.’ Every time we pray the Our Father, let us remember that we are God’s children and God is our loving Father.


Thanksgiving and Intercession

There are five different basic types of Christian Prayer: Adoration, Petition, Intercession, Thanksgiving, and Praise. In this article, the author deals with the prayer of thanksgiving and Intercession.


Prayer and Life

Prayer is so intertwined with life that we can safely say that we pray to live and live to pray. To make life coincide with prayer, the follower of Christ needs formal moments of prayer every day.


Commandments of the Heart

The last two commandments of the Decalogue (You shall not set your heart on your neighbor’s house and on your neighbor’s spouse) warn against some human desires, namely the evil desires which come from the heart. These two commandments call for purity of heart.


You Shall Not Steal

In life we deal with what belongs to us and what belongs to others, and we often hear that some people take away things that do not belong to them. Hence, the Seventh Commandment reminds us of the importance of respecting each other’s property rights.


You Shall Not Commit Adultery

To be able to love without limit and remain faithful, humans need God’s fidelity in their relationship. Thus the sixth Commandment serves first as an example of God’s faithfulness to his people and second as a call to fidelity particularly in marital life.

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