Category: Journey Moments

Journey Moments

My Journey to God’s Heart

“I have been a priest for 43 years now. It is God’s grace that has sustained me. My overriding feeling is joy and gratitude for God’s faithfulness and love.” This is how Fr. Jerry concludes his brief vocation story which he shares with us in this column.

Journey Moments

A Woman of Virtues

Mary is the one who followed Jesus first, loved Him most, and who served Him best. If we want to follow Jesus more closely, love Him more dearly, and serve Him more truly, we have to imitate Mama Mary by trying to live her virtues.

Journey Moments

Sunset Years

Gratitude is the best attitude in the sunset years of life. The rest of our lives can become the best years of our lives if we spend our sunset years with reparation, intercession, and purification.

Journey Moments

Peace Be with You!

The source of true peace and joy is humbly accepting God’s constant and immeasurable mercy and extending His love to others. By loving everyone, we glorify God and find peace in our lives.

Journey Moments

Learn from the Climb!

It is not easy to climb a mountain, but the climb itself is its own reward. Don’t give up. Go slowly, step-by-step, one day at a time. Learn from the climb.

Journey Moments

Be an “Easter” Person!

Easter must be shared and we must become “agents” of the resurrection. As long as we give life, radiate hope, joy, and love, we make the resurrection a reality in our lives, and in other peoples’ lives.

Journey Moments

Disciples with a Heart

The call for discipleship is for everyone. Discipleship happens when we focus more on the kingdom of God and the work to be done, and less on our worthiness.

Journey Moments

Extra Milers and Smilers

In this month’s column, Fr. Jerry shares with our readers stories of missionaries in various parts of the world who accomplished their mission here on earth in an unassuming, caring and generous manner.

Journey Moments

Happy New YOU!

Let us start our 2023 journey on the right foot by being grateful to our loving and merciful God who never stops loving us. Let us be resolute by relying on prayer as the companion in our journey.

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