Category: Life’s Essentials

Life's Essentials

The Art of Dialogue

More than ever before, the call for dialogue and collaboration has heightened. Our volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous and digital (VUCAD) world requires working towards greater simplicity and clarity in the way we dialogue and collaborate.

Life's Essentials

Connecting with millennials

Millennials are technology and electronic natives who increasingly spend their time online, comfortably dealing with social networks. It is the generation that has received much attention and pampering from parents. Here is how you can relate to them at home or at work.

Life's Essentials

Digital and interpersonal communications

E-business and digital technology are inevitable trends that will be the key drivers for the success of enterprises. Thus the need for digital transformation in order to improve performance, achieve higher productivity and increase efficiency.

Life's Essentials

Flexible workspaces

Work takes eight to 10 hours of our day. The workplace therefore can positively or negatively impact our wellbeing. Today as wellness has become a crucial factor in selecting jobs, companies need to pay attention to the desire for enhanced and innovative workspaces.

Life's Essentials

Minimalist yet fulfilling lifestyle

Quality of life does not depend on how much material goods one possesses. It depends on understanding what is essential for living and letting go of the “buy-and-buy habit” of consumerism.

Life's Essentials

Achieving home life balance

With today’s hectic lifestyle, is achieving work life balance an impossible dream? Especially for women who work and need to complement the earnings of their husbands and manage their households as well? Here are some practical tips to enjoy work life balance by managing the work at home better.

Life's Essentials

Stay healthy

Physical wholeness, as we all know, is about the food we eat, the number of glasses of water we drink in a day, proper exercise, etc. Our body should also have the mental wholeness to manage our stress and the ability to process problems and dilemmas and to deal with life’s challenges.

Life's Essentials

Put God at the center of your life

Putting God at the center of our lives implies to dedicate moments for reflection and meditation daily. In addition, to pursue an ethical way of life by which we weigh up the pros and cons of our actions vis-a-vis others and God.

Life's Essentials

Building relationships

Human relationships are at the core of a fulfilled and happy life that, ultimately, lies in the way we care for one another. The Gospel rule “love your neighbor as yourself” bespeaks of the importance of a never-ending effort at building and preserving relationships.

Life's Essentials

Best practices at work

Through work, humans participate in God’s creation. Work is necessary for the self-fulfillment of the person; it enhances his/her dignity and self-worth. Here are some practical tips to help improve the quality of work.

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