Category: Mission is Fun

Mission is Fun

The Good Forger

Tourists from Lima, Peru, who go down to the selva (bush) are hungry for souvenirs to take home.

Mission is Fun

Language Challenges

Fr. Jorge arrived at Waterval Mission, Mpumalanga in South Africa at a mature age. In his first years in the mission, he made a great effort to learn the Northern Sotho language of Sepedi and he reached a certain level of proficiency, which allowed him to celebrate Mass and even to preach in Sepedi.

Mission is Fun

Lonely Victim of the Earthquake

In the community of Monterrico, in Peru, Fr. Peter–the name of our protagonist–is well known for his fine hearing and light sleep. Both qualities are most useful in this seismic zone of the Pacific.

Mission is Fun

The Rain Dance

Fr. Tarcisio Pazzaglia has always believed in the usefulness of mass media in catechesis. Over time, he brought himself up-to-date and, with his video camera, filmed cleverly and tastefully recreated scenes that mediated messages of belief and morality.

Mission is Fun

A Merciful Trap on the Road

I went to celebrate Mass in the chapel of Nyele, Duru (north of the Democratic Republic of Congo), where the Garamba National Park begins. After the Mass, I took my way back to the parish with a bicycle, the portable altar on the luggage rack, and the Eucharist for the sick around my neck.

Mission is Fun

A Strange Supper

A Brother prepared soup for the two priests who were coming back from the outstations. As they delayed, he went to visit a family for a chat.

Mission is Fun

Oh Gosh, My Sandwich!

In the beautiful city of Malaga, Spain, various missionary institutes gathered for a week of missionary animation: White Fathers (Missionaries of Africa), Spiritans, Combonis, and the Mercedarian Sisters of Berriz. They visited schools, parishes, youth groups, and sodalities.

Mission is Fun

Smell the Scent of the Flowers!

A few years ago, two Comboni Missionaries, Fr. Joseph and Fr. Stefano, went to Damascus to study Arabic before going to work in Sudan. After leaving their luggage at the Armenian Patriarchate, they decided to take a stroll through the neighborhood.

Mission is Fun

“I Do Not Know Where I Have to Alight”

Professor of Philosophy Fr Archie has been lecturing for years at the city’s Theological University. Esteemed for the vast knowledge in his field of studies, he is also known for his proverbial forgetfulness.

Mission is Fun

Visitors at Night

Many years ago, the community of missionaries was experiencing repeated small robberies on their property. One night, two blankets were gone; on another occasion, the ladder; next, even a few frozen chicken and some beers were stolen from the pantry.

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