The Children’s Crusader
Zilda Arns, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and founder of the International Pastoral da Criança (Child Pastoral), was killed on Tuesday, January 12, in the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti. She was at Port-au-Prince studying the implementation of her program in that island. Only moments before her death, she had spoken to the Assembly of the Religious in these terms: “I want to manifest my great joy to be here with you all, at Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in order to take part in the Assembly of the Religious. As sister of two Franciscans and three Religious Sisters, I feel most happy among you…” And, after explaining with enthusiasm about her healing mission, she had concluded: “The results of our voluntary work, with the mystique of the love of God and neighbor, are in harmony with Mother Earth and all our sister creatures, flowers and fruits, rivers, lakes, seas, woods and animals. All this shows us that the organized society can be protagonist of its own transformation. In this spirit, strengthening the ties that unite our community, we can find solutions to the grave social problems that affect our poor families. Like the sparrows that care for their small ones by building a nest high on trees or on the mountains, far from predators and closer to God, we must care for our children like a sacred treasure, promote the respect of their rights and protect them.” Education rather than charity One of 13 children, Zilda Arns was born to devout German-speaking parents in rural southern Brazil on August 25, 1934. Two of her earliest memories were of seeing her father go door-to-door on his horse to help contain a smallpox epidemic and watching her mother arrange for a sick neighbor to be taken to the nearest hospital on the back of a cart, a journey of three hours. It was in her childhood that Zilda Arns had the inspiration for her future: “My mom studied homemade medicine in German books. She saw people and knew who needed to go to the hospital and who could be treated at home.” Another characteristic of the family was discipline. “We had to wake up very early to milk the cow,” she said. According to her, this discipline was providential: “I have no difficulties starting very early and facing 15 hours of work.” In Zilda Arns’s days, there was always work to be done. Those selfless acts inspired her to contemplate life as a doctor, even though most of her siblings became priests or teachers. Having studied Medicine, she graduated from university in 1959, working in local hospitals tending to infants; she was then given charge of a string of clinics in the impoverished outskirts of the southern city of Curitiba. Zilda Arns quickly saw that many common ailments were preventable, and began teaching mothers basic pre- and post-natal care, as well as useful tasks such as sewing and cooking. It turned out to be the perfect preparation for work that would make her famous.