Category: WM Special

WM Special

Educate for a Fraternal Humanity

The worldwide educational crisis calls for joint efforts, both in the family and at the school, to promote an inclusive model of teaching that leaves nobody outside the system and helps to form a relational person.

WM Special

Getting Back to Normal Learning

After two years of thriving for the best, embracing challenges, and putting so much effort into the education system, it is highly probable to resume face-to-face classes this school year. Students, teachers, and parents must be fully prepared for new adjustments.

WM Special

Time Up For School

One of the most devastating “side effects” of COVID-19 was the impact on education. The prolonged closure of schools had catastrophic repercussions, especially in poor or developing nations, where education systems were already fragile or deficient.

WM Special

On the Verge of “A Hurricane of Famine”

At least 50 countries depend on wheat produced by Ukraine and Russia to feed their populations. Most of them are in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, where there are even more inhabitants and even less water and arable land.

WM Special

War in Ukraine, Hunger in the World

By interrupting the supply chain of grain and fertilizers for agriculture, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is creating a global food crisis that will affect hundreds of millions of people, especially in the poorest countries. An explosion of social conflict is feared.

WM Special

A “Golden-Mouth” for Today’s Economics

John’s eloquent and uncompromising preaching earned him the name Chrysostom–“golden mouth.” He supported the side of justice during periods of uprising, believed in solidarity with the poor, and denounced the ostentatious display of wealth.

WM Special

A Christian Fraternal Invitation to Equity

Few people have been enriched at the expense of the many who pay income tax. This reveals a particularly un-Christian manner of engaging in economic activity. Christian Tradition offers an authentic Christian outlook on economics.

WM Special

Inequality Kills

The wealth of the world’s ten richest men has doubled since the pandemic began whereas the incomes of 99% of humanity are worse off because of COVID-19. Widening economic, gender, and racial inequalities are the root causes.

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