Category: Tunisia

Towards The Dignity Of The Human Family

Two years ago, in Tunisia, the symbolic beginning of the Arab Uprising made its mark on the global stage. The world witnessed the power of the masses on the streets denouncing corruption in government, austerity cuts in the face of the ever deepening unemployment and the clamor for justice. Even though, the so-called “Arab Spring” easily spread to other countries and became the forum to express the deep discontentment of the people towards the massive corruption practiced by their leaders. Presently, the Tunisian people continue to inspire, through their revolutionary process, as the country hosted the 2013 World Social Forum (WSF). The mass of participants, gathered from many countries around the world, assembled at Av. Bourghiba, the heart of Tunisia for the grand parade of peoples and the display of different causes and advocacies that drove them to be present at the WSF. The Tunisian youth did not lose the opportunity to make their plea for change, using, as flag for justice, the face of Shukri Belaid, the opposition leader, well–loved by the people but assassinated last February 16. Clearly, the choice of Tunisia to be the venue for the WSF, despite the uncertainty that reigns and the heavy display of police security, was providential to rekindle the hope for a change against all fundamentalisms. The parade became a colorful display of a true Spring journey filled with colors, songs and slogans, uniting people in a common dream for change. The campus of the University of Tunis, welcomed the many forums informing and sensitizing the participants to different causes, all under the common slogan: “A different world is possible.” Human dignity was the central theme of the WSF. This was the third in Africa. The first was in Nairobi in 2007 and the second in Dakar in 2011.  At the end of the WSF and of the Comboni Forum, the Comboni participants stated: “We felt we were in the right place: in dialogue with many people who were searching, together with other religious Sisters and religious Brothers who are journeying in the same direction, and missionary animators surrounded and challenged by the pluralism of ideas and organizations. By being the voice of our peoples, by giving the reasons for our hope, consistent of those who live next to the people, we were among the few direct witnesses, at the Forum, of the dramas of the various countries in conflict in the sub–Saharan Africa and in the Arab world.” We felt the Church’s wealth of commitments in many areas of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) that we, too, support. We felt strengthened by the joy of discovering that other religious people follow the Comboni methodology of “Saving Africa through the Africans.” We have built together, Sisters and Religious men, a Comboni Forum alongside the events of the World Social Forum. This step enriched us and made us feel in tune with the aspirations of the people. It was a unique opportunity for ongoing formation and made us believe that

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