Category: Young Heart

Young Heart

Digital Drugs

Recent studies reveal behavioral and emotional problems in adolescents who are addicted to the Internet, including addictive behaviors such as substance abuse and gambling. Families need to create an atmosphere that facilitates authentic relationships and motivate personal encounters.

Young Heart

Summer Fun

Some of our young readers in the Philippines are looking forward to vacation time, while others will still be having their classes but are gearing up for the summer heat here as well. Here are a few suggestions on how best to make use of the summer months.

Young Heart

Always Loved

Two months ago, a video of a boy bullying and physically hurting his school mate went viral. The fact is, such incidents cause deep damage upon the victims, especially if these are not immediately addressed. There are ways to heal such wounds inflicted upon a young heart.

Young Heart

Who Am I?

If you want to get to know the authentic you, it must be done with God our Creator as the foundation so that whatever hurts we experience in life, it is with the knowledge of our Father who is always with us and for us.

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