Category: Youth Issues

Youth Issues

Post-Marital Sex: Taboo or Valued?

The Holy Bible gives high respect to virginity. The Mother of the Savior, Jesus Christ, herself was a virgin thus, the reverence to the Holy Blessed Mother Virgin Mary. What about in modern times now– are today’s youth into pre- or post-marital sex?

Youth Issues

Confidence Needs Good Self-Esteem

Are you feeling insecure? Don’t! Know your self-worth. To redeem one’s self needs good self-love. As the saying goes: “You are more than enough” and “You cannot please everybody” but instead, seek what makes you happy and keep that good feeling.

Youth Issues

Don’t Be a Bully!

Those who bully like instilling fear or humiliation on others. How would you like it if somebody likes taunting you and saying hurtful words to you? Worse, they might even physically harm you and psychologically affect you in the long run.

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