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Bible Quiz

Bible Quiz

Please mark the correct answer with an ‘x’ and email your responses to the editor at wm.editor@gmail.com The winner will be selected from those who have submitted all correct answers and will receive a six-month subscription to World Mission magazine.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Combonis in Asia

Fen Xiang: Sharing with the Church in China

The arrival of the Comboni Missionaries in Macau soon led to a question: What about mainland China? Thus, a project to support the Church in China was born: Fen Xiang. The aim is to encourage the sharing of resources and means with the dioceses through the formation of clergy, religious, and laity.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Follow Me

Judith, Liberator of the People

Judith had a deep and unshakeable faith in God and her story is a true example of love and faithfulness to God. A wise and courageous woman, she is a symbol of commitment to life.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Vatican II

Divine Revelation and Scripture

Dei Verbum (Word of God), formally titled the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, holds a unique place among the 16 documents of Vatican II (1962–1965). It is a profound exploration of how God reveals Himself and communicates with humanity.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Young Heart

E-Books versus Real Books

As a reader, what kind of books do you find more beneficial, the E-books or the printed copies? As much as the physical body is fed with food, the mind becomes well-developed and more knowledgeable by reading books. Are you an avid reader?

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Beyond the Synod

Ecclesial Discernment

The Final Document of the Synod on Synodality puts a strong emphasis on the process of “ecclesial discernment.” What does the 2021-2024 Synod of Bishops mean by it?

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Our World

The Power of Christian Thinking

Christian thinking can shape culture, exploring how best to bring the core content of the Gospel message to different cultural contexts and groups. Seeking to influence cultures through critical thinking is precisely what is described as evangelizing cultures.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.

ICM Sisters Oppose: China’s West PH Sea Claims

The Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (ICM) condemned China’s sweeping maritime claims over the West Philippine Sea and expressed support for Filipinos in their fight against Chinese aggressions and intrusions in the contested waters.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.

A Database of Clerics Accused of Abuse

Some Filipino bishops and priests fail to uphold the teachings of the Church and Pope Francis and hold clerical child abusers to account in a court of law for their heinous crimes. These clerics offer payments and college education to silence the victims and their parents.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.

A King’s Advice to the President

Were Martin Luther King Jr. able to counsel President Trump directly, his advice would echo the teachings of the Gospel–urging humility, mercy, and the pursuit of a “beloved community.” As King warned, the outcomes of violence and division only deepen bitterness.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Jubilee Year

The Meaning of the Holy Door

It is impossible to know how many of us around the world watched, through the various media, the scene of the opening of the Holy Door in St. Peter’s Basilica on 24 December. The beauty of the place and the prayerful atmosphere of the assembly must certainly have been contagious. But even more striking was the sight of Pope Francis, frail in his wheelchair, almost as a proclamation of our needy humanity, and immersing himself in an infinite ocean of hope.

Combonis in Asia

Small yet Significant Presence

For over 27 years, the Comboni missionaries have shared the joy of the Gospel with the Catholic communities of the Archdiocese of Taipei. Rooted in their unique missionary charism, they serve three parishes, accompany aboriginal groups, and attend to the spiritual needs of migrants.

Follow Me

Being Missionaries of Good News

In words and gestures, the prophet Hosea’s vocation is a testimony of fidelity and living God’s love. It is an invitation to be missionaries of love, mercy and good news.

Vatican II

The Ecclesiology of Vatican II

The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) has accurately been described as a “Council of the Church about the Church.” For four years, the Church reflected on her self-identity as the community of Christ’s disciples. This reflection seeks to capture a “Vatican II Ecclesiology” in eight “snapshot” images.

Young Heart

Spreading Love with Saint Valentine

Patron Saint Valentine became the means for the annual celebration of spreading love and joy on February 14th. Why are there people who find it is a marketing ploy? Is it really just a simple commercial strategy, or is there a true concept of love?

Beyond the Synod

Pope Francis Recognizes the Voice of the People

In 21st-century Christianity, the voice of the people as a Christian community is recognized. Pope Francis believes that involving the widest participation of the People of God in listening and journeying together is the right path toward a synodal Church.

Our World

Training to Toughness

Preparedness for a tough life is the foundation for achievement. Very many great men from humble backgrounds rose to high levels of performance precisely because they adopted the tough path.

In Focus

What is the Future for Christians in Syria?

The fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime gave way to the rapid rise of rebel groups with Islamist roots. The Christian minority reacted with a mix of cautious optimism and deep apprehension as promises of inclusivity from rebel leaders clashed with fears of persecution.


Doctor Honored For War Victims Work

A Vietnamese physician who saw the horrors of Agent Orange (a chemical herbicide and defoliant that was used by the US military during the Vietnam War) and embarked on a crusade to seek justice was honored at the Magsaysay Awards for her decades of work for the victims.


Revealing the Truth without Retaliation

Many journalists are courageous, fearless and pay the ultimate price for revealing the truth about corruption and serious wrong-doing by police, military, politicians and business people. Frequently, there is retribution for those with the courage to expose evil.


Building Peace and Justice in 2025

As we step into 2025, Pope Francis calls on the world to embrace hope and act boldly for justice. In his World Day of Peace message, the Holy Father urges us to confront the crises of our time through structural change and a commitment to solidarity and compassion.

Combonis in Asia

Seeds of Faith in Taiwan

In 2002, the Comboni missionaries started planting their first seeds of missionary work in Taiwan. Over time, the community has become a vibrant presence in the capital Taipei, offering pastoral care, social outreach, and unwavering faith amidst a predominantly Buddhist and Taoist society.

Follow Me

Amos, the Prophet of Boldness

God’s call often comes unexpectedly, as it did for the prophet Amos, a humble shepherd and sycamore grower. His story reminds us that God’s choice is not about our qualifications but His purpose. Amos boldly embraced his vocation, proclaiming truth and justice in a world resistant to change.

Vatican II

Paul VI: Missionary Pope of Vatican II

From pioneering papal travels to advancing interreligious dialogue, Paul VI modeled a Church reaching out to the world, inspired by the Gospel’s transformative power. His missionary zeal and the Vatican II spirit he embodied are his enduring legacy.

Young Heart

“Let Go, Let God!”

Are you full of hurtful feelings? Boiled up angst? Does it feel like you’ve been wronged a lot of times in your life that you feel like nothing is happening and you’ve got nowhere else to go? Know when to let go and when to let God!

Beyond the Synod

Francis: The Pope of Synodality

Canonically, synods are synods of bishops. But historically, synods are not synods of the ordained, nor do they refer only to the official gatherings of bishops to exercise their collegiality, cum Petro et sub Petro. Francis exerts much effort to revive the original concept of synodality.

Our World

Playing a Helpful Role in a Restless Society

History reveals that when social order collapses, people instinctively rally behind a ‘Strongman,’ hoping for security. But today’s interconnected world demands ethical leadership and the power of intellectual communities to guide societies through the storm.


Safe Haven for Patients in Need

The ICM sisters in the Philippines had established a dormitory in Quezon City for economically challenged patients seeking healthcare in Manila. Since it opened its doors about 40 years ago, hundreds of patients with financial difficulties from across the country have been accommodated.


Justice Delayed is Justice Denied

Senator Grace Poe said there are 900,000 court cases left unresolved and undecided for many years. It was an astounding revelation. The complainants are waiting for justice to be served. “Justice delayed is justice denied” is a sign hanging in many Philippine courtrooms.


Nuclear War Is Now Close!

The threat of nuclear war looms once again, with recent escalations in Ukraine and increasingly dire warnings from global leaders and experts. This moment demands urgent reflection, decisive action, and a return to the path of peace.

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