Series: Parish Communion of Communities


Mission at the heart of faith

As we enter the month of October, it is good to remember the upcoming celebration of World Mission Sunday, on the 22nd. This year, the Pope’s message to mark this important event reiterates the truth that “the Church is missionary by nature.”

WM Special

How is your parish?

We are often asked, “To which parish do you belong?” But what about if we are asked, “How is your parish?” In the Year of the Parish, it is fitting to reflect on how our parish should be. To guide us, we begin by reflecting on the three c’s: compassion, communion and collaboration.

WM Special

The parish as communion of communities

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines declared 2017 as the Year of the Parish as communion of communities. Clergy and lay faithful have been committed to making the parish truly a communion of communities, forming and revitalizing BECs so that they become agents of communion, participation and mission.

WM Special

BECs among indigenous peoples

The creation and consolidation of BECs throughout the southern island of Mindanao by missionaries were major pastoral thrusts later adopted by the Local Church. These ecclesial communities have been instrumental in the evangelization of indigenous peoples and in recognizing their rights to ancestral lands.


The scourge of corruption

Corruption reigns when people in business, in politics, and in the judiciary defraud and steal, smuggle, peddle drugs and hide behind a mask of innocence. Sadly, the Philippines in 2016 ranked low, 101 out of 176 countries, on the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index.

Filipino Focus

Missionary in the land of blue skies

The Church of Mongolia is celebrating its 25th year. Among those who helped establish Catholicism in the country is a Filipino. We got to talk with the Bishop of Mongolia, Wenceslao Selga Padilla and he tells us of the challenges that they faced.


Mission at the foot of the volcano

A Comboni missionary describes how his life has become more meaningful when he was assigned as parish priest at the outskirts of a town in Peru, at the foot of an active volcano. He recountes how the Comboni charism has touched the lives of people and how collaboration in facing challenges to spread the Gospel has made it a grace-filled adventure.

Special Moments

A priest to the last

The largest gathering of the Catholic faithful took place on the occasion of the last farewell to Pope John Paul II. The peaceful and devout behavior of the immense crowd of mourners bespeaks of the holiness of the deceased as well as the universal outreach of the Church.

Follow Me

Love in humble service

In the last encounter, in the upper room, Jesus makes His last will and leaves an inheritance to those who follow Him. The farewell encounter is decisive for those who leave and for those who stay: to live a memory and to witness a person.

Life's Essentials

Digital and interpersonal communications

E-business and digital technology are inevitable trends that will be the key drivers for the success of enterprises. Thus the need for digital transformation in order to improve performance, achieve higher productivity and increase efficiency.

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