Sudan’s Forgotten War
Despite the UN describing it as “one of the worst humanitarian disasters in recent history,” the international community has turned a blind eye to the conflict in Sudan.
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Despite the UN describing it as “one of the worst humanitarian disasters in recent history,” the international community has turned a blind eye to the conflict in Sudan.
Scripture and the Tradition of the Church highlight the relevance of the basic principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church. The latter is a treasure for the advancement of the Kingdom of God that the vast majority of the faithful are not sufficiently familiar with.
Family is society’s most basic institution and natural foundation, the perfect place where each person is recognized and learns how to live. Nonetheless, nowadays, this vital cell of society is under threat, with many groups challenging the Christian idea of family.
Catholic Social Teaching upholds and advocates respect for the dignity of every human being as its main doctrine. One area in which the Church is devoted to protecting human dignity is the pastoral care of refugees and migrants.
Christians respect Judaism as a revealed religion and the root of Christianity. However, this respect does not entail the acceptance of the unjust policies of Israel toward Palestine. Opposing the Israeli government injustices is a matter of conscience and justice.
We need God’s help to heal, enlighten, lead and protect. Today, the Canaanite woman reminds us of the most heartfelt prayer: “Lord, help me.”
For more than ten years, a group of advocates has been donating bicycles to underprivileged students in the Philippines. Known as Bikes for the Philippines, their goal is to motivate learning and help curb the drop-out rate.
Sustainable development should focus on the needs of people and communities and involve them in the endeavor. The effort towards sustainability has to be holistic, involving social, spiritual, moral, and environmental consciousness and resources.
A missionary in Haiti since 1999, Sister Paësie Phillipe founded Familia Kizito in 2017, a community that cares for, protects, feeds, and educates vulnerable children living on the streets of the violent and dangerous slums of the country’s capital, Port-au-Prince.
“Although there are different languages in the world, the strength of tradition is the same.” With Saint Irenaeus of Lyons, the concept of tradition matures, as does his lofty idea of man.