Series: The Pursuit of Happiness

Filipino Focus

Religion and Folklore

The acceptance of Christianity is evident in the festivals which show the popular response to it as an invitation to joy and celebration. In them, faith becomes culture.

Follow Me

‘Investing’ in Vocation

Nobody is happy alone, so it is necessary to make the vocational discernment with realism and responsibility, a path marked by interdependence and the autonomy of those who look and live life with maturity.

Mission is Fun

“Mum, who’s that Clown?”

Once upon a time, the clerical collar was not yet known in Italy. All the good friars were roaming around in cassocks. Occasionally, it happened that some of them, for reasons of study or work, had to travel to countries such as Mexico, England or the United States where the cassock was not allowed. How to go about it? One needed a “disguise”. Where the Brother in charge of the wardrobe of the Comboni’s Mother House in Verona found clothes for the operation was not known, but one thing was sure: they were not so discreet

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