Feature Articles

Bible Quiz

Bible Quiz

Please mark the correct answer with an ‘x’ and email your responses to the editor at wm.editor@gmail.com. The winner will be selected from those who have submitted all correct answers, and will receive a six-month subscription to World Mission magazine. 

Congratulations to Delia Trasmonte for winning our April/May issue Bible Quiz! 

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
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It Is Worth Saying “Yes”

Celebrating ten years of priesthood, Fr. Rafael recalls wanting to be a priest since he was a child. After graduating in mechanical engineering, he joined the Comboni missionaries. Currently serving in Macau, he has witnessed the admirable audacity of people who have converted to the faith.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Follow Me

Listening to God’s Voice

A vocation is always an initiative of God, who calls us by name. But as Samuel did, we must listen, take His word to heart, and transform what we have heard into a life commitment, a mission.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
A Taste of Tradition

The Primacy of the See of Rome

Saint Cyprian of Carthage is the champion of the unity of the Church. He wrote about it and for it gave the witness of his blood, dying as a martyr.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Young Heart

The Digital Natives Generation

Many young people nowadays, especially since the pandemic, have turned to online selling. There is instant gratification and a mindset of “Mine!” So, how does today’s generation cope with the demands of schooling while also earning a living?

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Our World

Self-Regulation of Artificial Intelligence

The benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are undeniable. However, there is a concern that these tools can be used for disinformation, domination, and exploitation. Therefore, there is a need for self-regulation that includes norms to protect and benefit humanity.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.

Group Treats Body Pains with Magnesium

A group of magnesium therapy advocates conducted pain-healing missions in different parts of the Philippines to share the magnesium mineral’s ability to relieve and treat body pains. The mission benefited hundreds of people, mostly seniors and financially challenged individuals.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Journey Moments


Being pruned can be painful and aching, but it is necessary to produce abundant good deeds in life. When we are being pruned, let us not forget to pray, do good, and have joyful hope through it all.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.

Who Arms the World’s Wars?

According to a 25-year analysis of global conflicts and arms transfers conducted by the World Peace Foundation (WPF) titled “Who Arms Wars?” all of the largest arms exporting nations continue to sell their weapons to countries even after wars start.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Follow Me

The “Yes” of Abraham

Abraham’s “Yes,” trusting in God’s word to him, should be a source of inspiration for all of Jesus’ missionary disciples.

A Taste of Tradition

An Amazing Counter-Cultural Document

The Christians in the World is an anonymous letter to a well-wisher by the name of Diognetus, describing the way of life of the followers of Christ. The details have a surprising contemporary application.

Filipino Focus

Understanding Mano Po in Filipino Society

Mano po is a gesture of respect for an older person, regardless of gender, status in life, local or foreign, that is uniquely Filipino. The goal of this article is to help us understand that this gesture is strictly Filipino.


Accelerate Protection of Abused Children

There is an urgent need for legislation establishing the children’s court system and more government-funded therapeutic homes for healing and empowering child abuse victims.

Our World

Widen Your Outlook, Think Deep

In today’s world, we need bridge-builders who possess a broad perspective, listen attentively, and advocate for a multi-disciplinary approach in engaging with diverse perspectives.

In Focus

Fiducia Supplicans: What Kind of Church for the Future?

Opposition to the document detailing blessings for people in irregular situations has sometimes been attributed to anti-Francis movements. The reality is more complex and merits reflection about the future and what kind of a Church the Holy Father is calling us to be.


Please, Stay

The number of young Filipinos who contemplated ending their life and attempting suicide is on the rise. Now more than ever, parents, schools and other stakeholders must work together to prevent youth suicide.

Journey Moments

Radiating God’s Love

As we journey on, let us share the presence and love of God wherever we go and in whatever we say or do. May we become witnesses to God’s presence in this dark and lonely world.


Stop the bombs and missiles now!

In a recent interview, Pope Francis called upon world leaders to “stop the bombs and missiles now.” He appealed for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and reiterated his conviction that dialogue is the sole path toward a peaceful future.

Mission is Fun

Faith or Jail

Not long ago, relations between Church and State in Mexico were tense. One of the laws was the absolute prohibition on clergy to wear ecclesiastical clothes and to perform religious functions outside the church. On Ash Wednesday, I was invited by the parish priest of a poor and densely populated district of the capital to administer ashes in one of the various chapels of the parish.

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