Blessed Carlo Acutis an Icon for Netizens

November 2023

In This Issue


We Must Act Without Delay

Pope Francis appeals to governments and decision makers to take vital political decisions so as to avert the imminent environmental tragedy.

WM Special

A Saint for the 21st Century

Carlo Acutis’ closeness with Jesus through the Blessed Eucharist, his use of digital means for evangelization, and his jovial spirit in the face of the acute illness which led to his death makes him an icon for Christians, particulary the youth.

WM Special

Carlo Acutis As Seen By His Mother

In this interview with Aleteia, the mother of Blessed Carlo, Antonia Salzano, testifies to the “extraordinary ordinary life” of her son who had an infinite love for Jesus in the Eucharist. He is a source of inspiration for young and old alike.


God’s Challenging Call–Are You Up For It?

God has called us to be true prophets of His word. We must speak and live out His truth by imitating Christ and working towards a better world for everyone.

Journey Moments

“Four Gives” and “Four Gets”

Fr. Jerry shares the “four gives” and the “four gets” that have been the guiding principles in his life journey. They are about the “giving” and “receiving” attitudes in relationships with God, others, the world, and oneself.


I Love Life and Life is Beautiful!

Father Manuel João Pereira Correia, a Comboni missionary, has lived for 13 years with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a nervous system disease that weakens muscles and impacts physical function. In this interview, Fr. João reveals how he tries to live in this condition with missionary spirit, serenity, and the “gift of a smile.”

In Focus

Fostering Fraternity and Friendship

On the eve of the October 4 Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi in 2020, Pope Francis released his third encyclical, Fratelli Tutti. The Italian title is drawn from the writings of the pope’s namesake, Francis of Assisi, who lived in the twelfth century and is now the patron saint of ecology.


Minorities in Anxiety

Weak cultures have survived when related communities have had a strong sense of uniqueness about their identity during their history. Cultural minorities are now making their voices heard.

Inside The Holy Book

Evil in the Bible

Evil in the Bible is represented by violence and immorality. Sometimes evil is described and condemned. Sometimes it is simply described but not approved. However, evil can be so much more.

Follow Me

A Journey of Prayer and Gratitude

I am Fr. Moises Albarina from President Manuel A. Roxas, Zamboanga del Norte, the last born of 14 siblings and the youngest among eight brothers. I was a millennium graduate of Accountancy at the Mindanao State University, Marawi City. After college, I worked at Katipunan Bank in my home province for almost a year and then at Quatrolube Philippines in Valenzuela City for four years. 

Follow Me

Listening With the Ear of the Heart

Listening is essential in the service of evangelization. To bear witness to the Gospel, it is vital to listen to the voice of God and the voice of the other because you can’t communicate if you haven’t listened first.

Mission is Fun

The Funniest Pope of All Time

Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, Pope St. John XXIII, was born in Italy in 1881 and ordained a priest in 1904 at 23.

Youth Issues

Post-Marital Sex: Taboo or Valued?

The Holy Bible gives high respect to virginity. The Mother of the Savior, Jesus Christ, herself was a virgin thus, the reverence to the Holy Blessed Mother Virgin Mary. What about in modern times now– are today’s youth into pre- or post-marital sex?

Filipino Focus

Helped By Unseen Forces

A new lawyer from the Philippines proves that nothing is impossible if you work hard, find ways, and most importantly, believe in God and His guidance.

World Touch

Digital Illiteracy Encourages Child Exploitation Online

The authorities responsible for information security have confirmed that the Philippines ranks second in the world in terms of sexual exploitation of minors via the internet. A phenomenon that has various reasons, but it also calls into question “digital illiteracy” which would expose them more to criminal use of the internet.

World Touch

Pope will meet with Children of the World

Pope Francis is scheduled to meet with children of the five continents in November to reflect and learn from their untainted acceptance of others and respect for creation.

World Touch

Countering the Suicide Phenomenon

“Suicide is a tragedy in our society,” says Father Cho Seung-hyeon, a priest and journalist, who refers to the nation’s highest suicide rate among developed countries. Common factors cited by experts to explain the high suicide rate are the pressure young people face at school, the lack of social protection, and the stigma surrounding mental health problems.

World Touch

Suffering of the Civilian Population

Myanmar’s military junta is carrying out more and more air strikes against the civilian population, according to a report by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights recently published at the UN General Assembly. According to the report, airstrikes have been repeatedly combined with “measures that systematically deny injured people access to medical care.”

Blessed Carlo Acutis an Icon for Netizens

November 2023 Issue
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